yah and now i'm back!
well.. these days are kinda busy so I haven't updated my blog for one month. Now is the time to relax!!!
Wanna know why? because it's intrams and I am a chess player for my grade level and I have to compete other grade level in highschool. I was like.. okay but the problem with chess is that I need to concentrate and think that every move is important.
When I played chess with a fellow grade 7 student, I lost. I lost because I was careless and I got distracted but nevertheless, I'm happy that we made a good battle. I knew that my move led me to destruction.
There were foodsale of course, with shakes, french fries, tempura, peanuts ( what I love the most) and Ice cream. I lack the money that I have to buy all those but I always come back to but peanuts. They say it's brain food but the main reason I love it because there is this taste about it that's addicting.
But it was boring you know, no jailers, no bands playing and the DJ's Booth is limited. I noticed students just strolling around the campus, others were sleeping, while others cheered for their grade level athletes. Actually I didn't like the program flow. It's a bit messy I guess but hey I'm only saying what's on my opinion.
I'm going to make sure the next chess game I will make sure that I'll never be careless again. I swear it to Kami-sama. (GOD)