I would like to introduce myself first in this world of blogging before I go through my daily updates of my world here in school and at home.
Basic Info:
Name: Christelle May Yeh
Cybername: Osirisguard
Birthday: May 16,1994
Age: 15
Favorite Food: Anything as long as it does not kill me
Favorite color: grey, white, green, orange and black
Hobbies: Surfing the net, Chatting, Finding random things, playing and learning guitar, piano, bass and drums, EATING... lol, Watching rare anime shows, collect drumsticks, blogging, paperworks but most of all my favorite past time is SLEEPING...
So About myself...
I like myself to be random most of the time... When i'm in school, I fall asleep in the middle of a really boring class... I don't usually hang out with friends but I keep them close to my heart because it's hard to find real friends... I'm part of a Religious Society called Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Phils. Its purpose why I joined is because I want to serve the poor wholeheartedly. I entered into a school organization called the Peer Facilitator's Circle which I am like a guidance councilor... I'm more like of a homebody... I respect my parents most of the time... They are the real bestfriends...
I usually blog about things that are happening in my life and some facts that interests me.. I love nature and it brings a sense within me. A kind of sense of reality and practicality.
I'm in a school where I feel safe and comfortable at. I'm proud to say I'm from Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion- Cebu City Phils. It's a catholic school for girls and I'm in Gr. 9 right now and soon gr. 10 and graduate...
My goal in life is to be a successful dentist and serve the poor people who cannot afford to be in a dental check-up. :D
I guess that would be all for now.. :D