Everyone has what they love right? it could be materialistic or in the aspect of relationships.
The first thing that I can always remember is that I really love First Person Shooting Games or FPS games. Probably because of my dad who loves it also. I'm not really that good in playing but I'd rather say that is my hobby. The first game that I played was the original doom. Well I think I was at the age of 5 or 6. With the help of the mighty Joystick. (old times) As I grew up I loved to play war games like Medal of Honor and Call of duty and more. I also play online FPS games like K.O.S. Secret Operations or in Korea it's called Sting Online which was franchised by Level up Games Inc. It's like you're playing counter strike since they're using the same steam engine.
Of course there is Music. My mom usually says that I'm so talented but I always deny that and I don't want to be praised. I first loved music when I was a child. Just senselessly strumming the strings and sing randomly and I just get the right notes. Anyway, I seriously took music when I was eleven. I used my father's guitar that has been with him for how many years and just made the first chord i've learned. which is A. Then I try to learn it all on my own but I still need to ask some adcise from my dad on what I should do. Most of the time, I learned it by myself. I tried to do some guitar lessons but it just did not work out. I get easily tired of all those finger exercises and I just wanted to get into the real thing. That was the last time I'll ever take guitar lessons. I composed my own song when I was 14. Probably because out of boredom and I just wanted to take my music to the next level. I wanted to become a performer and just sing in front of the crowd. I love rock music and mainstream and I wanted to learn all of my favorite songs and sing it. Another proof of me loving music is me having a band. Which I will tell about it soon.
Everyone has their own hobby.