Yes, you heard me right.. I can't believe that my class we were only few today... it was such a shocking event. Except for the YMA scholars of Course. It's because they made their own holiday. xD Well in fact it was a contest for those who reached the Quota of 40,000 php of tickets in each grade level. We were left as the only highschool available at the school. Lucky for me and my fellow punctual classmates. We were given plus points in our grade because we didn't make our own holiday... And we checked our test papers and it was a miracle that my papers had good scores... I DIDN'T STUDY AT ALL.. wow... haha (hugs myself) xD
Also I now have a new obsession... and it's ORIANTHI PANAGARIS... she's a cool Aussie guitarist... and a good singer. She kinda reminds me of kelly clarkson. I listened to her albums Violet Journey and Believe and I totally digg it. Her cool riffs, guitar shredding, tapping, I got lots of NOSEBLEEDS from her...
Where I stated to discover was that when I saw the "This Is It" Movie which was only limited for watching for two weeks. She was cool and I first thought... 'WHO WAS THAT GIRL?!' She ripped beat it off... Black and white too. Also on Dirty Diana... Then After the movie I really waited for the credits to come and saw her name as Orianthi. After I got home, I researched on her name and that's when I discovered her. Right now she's one of my influences in my guitar skills and I'm inspired to be like her and overpass her skills. I also loved the new guitar PRS made especially for her... it's called a PRS SE ORIANTHI.. and damn i was moved away from it.. here's a picture of what her signature guitar looks like...
It looks expensive but it's actually affordable and I'm waiting for that to come here in the Phils. As you can see PRS guitars are expensive... and yea.. they are high class quality...
I dig her instrumental songs like in her believe album the Highly Strung with her duel duet with the ever famous Steve Vai. I'm really looking forward for her new upcoming projects to come and I hope she'll be a legend as what Mr. Carlos Santana Said.
"It's not cute any more. It's seriously ass-whupping. If I was going to pass the baton to somebody, she would be my first choice." - Carlos Santana