I just can't get this topic out of my head. It's very common yet, a lot of people don't understand what a simple mistake can do to you... As you can see, when I was waiting for the dismissal, it suddenly popped out of my mind. I was like, mistakes... so I sorted out things and tried to make it more simple for you people who always makes mistakes.
According to wikipedia, Mistake is an error which is very correct in a logical way. In my own opinion, mistake is the most common things that happen within human beings. It also happens naturally in life. If you don't have any mistakes then you're abnormal because humans are not perfect.
There are 2 kinds of mistakes, 1st is the renewable/mild mistake and the 2nd one is the permanent mistake/serious mistake.
The mild or renewable mistake is a kind of mistake that you can change the wrong things to right. For example: You had a fight with your friend, and you know that it's your fault, then you say sorry and everything would be alright.It's a very simple mistake that can be renewed or rewrite. It doesn't harm your life exactly. Just minor mistakes that can also lead to permanent mistakes. It's up to you actually on how to deal with the mistake.
The permanent/serious mistake is a very important factors when you have big depressions about life and everything. It forever remains in your memory, changes your life forever, it will bring you shame and soon, you'll regret that mistake. Regret is the feeling that you will have after committing such big mistake.
We can all avoid this you know, if we all just try to be rational, and not get to be so touchy with our feelings then we can avoid this. But human as we are, we are not perfect. There are times that we are feeling that we are that high and we commit mistakes but never see it. Sometimes, I can see myself as this person who made a big mistake in my life and I did not regret it. Though I see this person everyday, I always wanted to let her know that I need to be away from her because I don't want to commit the same mistake again and I don't like to see her because the pain is there... and it is still there. I don't know when will I ever get over you.